Union Branch International (UBI) is a ministry founded by the Pastor Pil Nam Hwang and his wife, Missionary Mal Rea, in 2020. The ministry exists in tandem to their church, Washington Mongolian Church, various churches they planted throughout the world, and mission partners. UBI seeks to plant churches globally by training, equipping, and preparing future missionaries.
Mission Statement
Purpose of UBI:
1) Expand the Kingdom of God
2) Train and Prepare the Next Generations of Missionaries
3) Multiply and Send Future Ministers of the Great Commission
4) Our Main Objective is to Reach Mongolians and All Nations
What We Believe
Core doctrines and statements of faith:
(UBI adheres to the Westminster Catechism)
The Scripture
The Bible, the Old and New Testament, is infallible and inerrant; it is God’s divine revelation for man; the inspired Word of God; and sufficient for salvation for fallen humanity.
God is Creator, Maker, and Ruler of all things- in heaven and on earth. God is a Spirit, eternal, and immutable in His being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth. God is fully omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent.
The Trinity
God is a triune God. Within the Godhead there is a unity of three distinct yet fully divine persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; these three are one true, eternal God, the same in substance, equal in power and glory.
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man. Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary, lived a perfect life among men, was crucified, dead, and buried, rose on the third day, ascended to heaven, and will come again in glory and judgment. He is the only Mediator between God and man.
The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is of one substance with the Father and the Son- a member of the Trinity. He eternally proceeds from the Father and the Son, and He dwells in the hearts of believers, effecting their regeneration monergistically and operating in their sanctification synergistically.
Man & Sin
God made male and female in His own image, free from sin, and in fellowship with Himself. However, Adam sinned and fell from God’s glory, he and his posterity entered into a state of total moral corruption and moral inability and became estranged from their Creator, thus deserving death as the punishment for sin.
Repentance & Regeneration
Repentance is the work of the Holy Spirit wherein He makes a person aware of the manifold evil of his sin, so that he humbles himself with godly sorrow, detesting sin and hating self, with a purpose and desire to walk before God so as to please and magnify Him in all things. Regeneration (change of heart; being born again) precedes the faith and repentance. This is done by God’s free and special working grace.
Justification & Faith
Justification is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. Saving faith is the true belief, on God’s authority, of His Word concerning Christ, accepting and trusting upon Him alone for justification and eternal life. It is wrought in the heart by the Holy Spirit, accompanied by saving graces, and leads to a life of holiness. Without sincere faith and repentance, one can not be saved.
We must be holy as God is holy. Regenerated believers are sanctified by God’s Word and His Spirit abiding in them. God works salvation and sanctification in elected men and women. This sanctification is progressive through the supply of divine strength and grace.
The Church
Christ is the head of the Church. The Bride of Christ is purchased by His atoning work on the cross. Christ has established a visible church, that is called to live in the power of the Holy Spirit under the regulation of the authority of Holy Scripture, preaching the gospel of Christ, administering the sacraments, and exercising discipline. Christians are to associate with a particular, local church.
The Lord Jesus ordinated both the Lord’s Supper and Baptism as sacraments for the Christian to adhere to.
Jesus our King will one day return to judge the living and the dead. Everyone shall receive according to his deeds: the wicked shall go into everlasting punishment (hell), and the righteous shall go into everlasting life (heaven).

What do we do?
Train missionaries, support missionaries, and work in the mission field
Our Training Sites
Mission School
Our mission schools are coming soon! Our classes are currently being built and in the future we hope to bring more resources to equip, train and prepare you for the field.
Currently, please enjoy our other mission training events for the time being.
Believers should not be “church consumers”. We are devoted to help connect, train, and utilize ministers to serve at their local churches, ministries, mission-fields, and even here at UBI.
Serving goes beyond the borders of our local congregations and families- we are called to go to all nations with the Gospel. Even if you are not called to full-times oversees missions, it is important to step into the world of mission work, support, and prayer.